Thursday, January 24, 2013

4 Steps To Controlling Your Period Cravings!

When that lovely time of the month comes, and mother nature lands the 5-7 days of death on me... my daily healthy eating habits fly out the window, and I say HELLO TO ALL THE CHOCOLATE I CAN GET MY HANDS ON!

As you know, I eat really healthy on a daily basis packing in the protein and getting a balanced diet of fruit and veggies.

BUT when the 5-7 days of deadly pain come, my cravings go out of control. 

I kid you not, a few months ago I remember eating:

A chocolate brownie with raw doughboy chocolate chip cookie dough on top, crumbled Oreos sprinkled on top of that, a side of chocolate fudge Ben and Jerry's ice cream topped with caramel sauce... for lunch. I won't even mention what I had for dinner!
Needless to say, during that time of the month our hormones go out of control we kick the words "fruit, veggies and salad" out of our dictionaries for a few days.

SO, I've decided to do a bit of research to see if there are any ways to CONTROL OUR CRAVINGS!
Here's what I found :)

1.) Drink Water First

If you CAN'T live with out chocolate everything like me, drink an ENTIRE glass of water before you eat it. Drinking water will not only hydrate you, it will also fill you up a bit so that you won't consume as many sweets as you would have otherwise.

2.) Exercise! 

Girls Girls Girls... you don't have to tell me about your cramps. I am the QUEEN of cramps, my grandma had really bad cramps, my mom had really bad cramps, and now I have REALLY BAD CRAMPS. It's hereditary, but I'll live. So trust me when I say I know what it feels like to not want to exercise on your period. 
BUT, I also know that if you pull yourself together and do even a mini-workout it will cause your body to not crave the sweets as much! Even a brisk jog around your neighbor hood will do the trick :)
Staying active during your period will undoubtably curve the cravings!

3.) Fill yourself up with other foods!

Obviously you won't JUST be eating chocolate for 5-7 days straight, so for your other meals eat a bit more (especially since you're more hungry than usual) to fill you up. This will leave less space for the unhealthy foods that you would normally be craving!

4.) Substitute out the sweets!
Yes, I know you naturally crave chocolate as your "go-to" sweets, but try substituting out a healthier sweet!
Try eating:
  • Chocolate covered strawberries
  • Nutella and bananas on whole wheat toast
  • Apples dipped in a bit of caramel
  • Sorbet or Frozen yogurt instead of Ice Cream
Don't give up, don't give in!!! 

If you even try just ONE of these 4 steps, that will be better than before! Baby steps :)

Remember, if you're eating healthy the other 24 days of the month, those 5-7 days won't kill you :)

Xox Brittany,

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

For all my followers with any Nut, or Gluten Allergies!

I just received a wonderful question from a follower who was allergic to nuts, which inspired me to do a bit of research to find some healthy and delicious food substitutes! 

If you have a Nut or Gluten allergy, eating healthy (or eating at all) sometimes can be a bit more challenging.

However, it is NOT impossible.

When it comes to Peanut Butter, there are a wide variety of brands that specialize in making peanut butter sensitive to your needs!

All of these pictured above are:

Peanut Free, Tree Nut Free, Gluten Free, Dairy Free, Egg Free, Soy Free  

There is even CHUNKY (nut free) Peanut butter! 

I went a bit further than just peanut butter, and found Nut Free, egg free, and tree nut free CUPCAKES! (Not gluten free though)

Sweet Alexis Chocolate Cupcakes are always peanut free, tree nut free, dairy free and egg free! Enjoy the delicious chocolate cupcakes with icing on the side for your next allergy friendly event.

Check out the website if you have allergies, are looking to try out the Vegan life, or just want a healthy substitute to your favorite sweets!

SHARE this with your followers, you might just really make someones day a whole lot easier :)

Xox Brittany,

The Fitspirational Blonde

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Lunch- Making a healthy change

Starting off the week on a healthy food with a fabulous Vegetarian Fitspirational Lunch!!
Think you can’t eat a grilled cheese sandwich and fries without eating unhealthy fried foods? WRONG!
This meal contains protein, fiber, calcium, iron and WONDERFUL nutritious ingredients! I made this AT HOME in less than 10 mins. he healthiest “fast food” you can imagine.
What you see:
  1. Toasted Cheddar and Avocado grilled cheese sandwich on oatnut bread, with a bit of butternut squash aioli sauce 
  2. Side Ceazar salad
  3. Sweet Potato fries (BAKED not fried) *Note- Did you know Sweet potatoes are ranked one of the highest nutritional vegetable on the planet? This is because of their high protein and vitamin content!
  4. Glass of water
Eating healthy does NOT have to be boring! Get creative, have FUN in the kitchen finding new wonderful ways to incorporate health into your meals! 
I made this meal healthy by:
  • Using Oatnut bread instead of starchy white bread
  • Having baked sweet potato fries instead of normal greasy fried french fries
  • Adding a salad
  • Having water instead of soda
APPLY what you just read to YOUR life. Today when you make your next meal, stop and think what you can do to make it healthier!
Xox Brittany,
The Fitspirational Blonde

Acne- Natural (at home) Skin Clearing Remedies

If you struggle with acne, you're not alone!
There are MANY different types and reasons you may have it.
Top 3 reasons you have acne:
  1. You're not taking care of your skin and your face is dirty which causes your pours to clog up.
  2. It's hereditary, meaning one or both of your parents had it and passed it on to you.
  3. You're eating unhealthy sugary and salty foods that directly lead to your face breaking out.
For reason 1: Make your own anti-acne face mask.
Some face masks, usually left on your skin for around 30 minutes, might contain compounds that soothe your skin and kill bacteria. Here are some common formulas that people like to use:
  • Olive oil. Apply one tablespoon to your face, let sit, and pat off with a towel.
  • Cucumber and oatmeal. Mix in a blender until you get a consistency you like, then apply to your skin. (You could even do the little cucumber slices over your eyes, too!)
  • Honey. Rub a light layer of honey into your skin, and let it sit for 30 minutes. Rinse off with warm water.
  • Egg whites. Separate the yolks out of one or two eggs, beat the whites a bit, and apply to your face. You should feel your pores tighten up.
For Reason 2: See your dermatologist.
If you've tried washing your face and know you keep it clean, then it is most likely hereditary! It is your best bet to head straight to your dermatologist. A majority of the people who inherit bad acne will need to take an oral contraceptive (meaning medicine that you take by mouth.) External washes may work for a while but are not a permanent solution.
For Reason 3: Start eating healthy!!
If you're reading my blog, you should already be eating healthy anyway! If you're not, don't get discouraged, it's never too late to start. If you pack in a LOT of water with a plethura of fruits and veggies, I bet you'll begin to see clear skin in no time.
Xox Brittany,
The Fitspirational Blonde

Monday, January 14, 2013

5 steps to get UN-addicted to sugar!

We crave sugar because we are looking for energy.

You may not eating enough which leads to having intense sugar highs followed by crashes, followed by wanting more sugar and then crashing again. Your body is continuously craving sugar and seems to never get enough.

How to fix this?

Eat more often. As I'm ALWAYS telling you, carry snack with you!

Snack Ideas:
  • Carrot Sticks
  • Pita and hummus
  • Fruit (raspberries, blue berries etc)
  • Peanut butter and celery
  • Low-Cal popcorn (meaning not drenched with butter)
If you love sugar, then you love the way it makes you feel while you're eating it... but NOT the way it makes you feel afterwords. 
How can you tell that you're addicted to sugar?
Try going just 2 days without it. Can't do that, then chances are there's a high probability that you're addicted!
Fitspirational steps to take if you're a sugar addict: (YES THIS IS A REAL ADDICTION)
  1. DON'T DROP SUGAR ALL AT ONCE. This is setting yourself up for FAILURE. You will not, and I REPEAT- WILL NOT be able to drop sugar in one day, or maybe even one week. It is a slow process and takes time and dedication, but it will ABSOLUTELY BE WORTH IT once you're off of it completely. Sugar turns into FAT.
  2. Slowly ween yourself off of sugar by replacing it with healthier natural sugars. For example, apples have a very high natural sugar. Every time you crave a chocolate, eat a few apple slices :) Add some Peanut Butter too for some extra flavor in there.
  3. Drink a LOT of water. A lot of the time when you're feeling like you need a sugar high, it is actually your body telling you that you're dehydrated. Drink 3 glasses, wait 1/2 hour and see if you still want it. (PMSing doesn't count. If you're PMSing and you are craving a chocolate... EAT THE CHOCOLATE- Coming from a girl with INTENSE cravings during that lovely monthly gift from mother nature)
  4. Cut down the sweets in your drinks! There is SO much sugar in the drinks that we intake, that a huge percentage of our daily sugar comes from drinking. FACT: did you know mountain dew has 19 TEASPOONS OF SUGAR IN ONE SERVING?!?!?!?!! How is that even legal? I did an entire presentation on this in my Spanish class and everyone was SHOCKED.
  5. Exercise! This may sound crazy, but exercising really will help you beat a sugar addiction. There is something about exercise and endorphin that makes you want to eat better and takes your mind off of cravings. 
I've given you the tools, now it's your turn to take them into your hands and apply them.

A majority of America has no idea what it feels like to feel their full bodies potential.

Don't be a part of that majority. Get UN-addicted with me NOW!

Xox Brittany,

The Fitspirational Blonde

Sunday, January 13, 2013

Fit and FABULOUS Crepes!

Crepes are one of my FAVORITE morning foods in the universe, so I decided to come up with a healthy way of making them!
By using egg WHITES instead of the whole egg, skim milk rather than whole milk NO added sugar,  and NO added salt these are a bit better for you than your typical crepe :)
They're really easy and are a great substitute for your typical sugary morning cereal.
What you need:
  • 2 Eggs 
  • 1 tablespoon of butter (NOT margarine)
  • 1/2 cup of skim milk
  • 1 cup of flour (you can use whole wheat flour to make it a bit healthier)
  • Nutella!!
  • Strawberries (or your favorite fruit) 

What to do:
  • Whisk everything together until you get a semi-watery consistency (1/2 as thick as pancake mix would be.)
  • Preheat a pan and LIGHTLY spray with olive oil
  • *This is IMPORTANT* Pour your mix onto the MIDDLE of the pan, and before it has time to thicken by the heat, spread it around by turning your pan in a circular motion. This spreads your mix into a thin crepe circle!
  • Flip when lightly brown
Then spread some Nutella down the middle, cover with fresh cut strawberries and EAT!!
If you make too many, you can even put them in the fridge and save for the next few days :) All you have to do is Re-Heat them!
This is what our "Brunch" ended up looking like today:
I added my Quick 3 Minute Italian Salad to get some extra veggies in there and some delicious pineapple mango juice to go along with it.
Fabulous, easy AND healthy!
Xox Brittany,
The Fitspirational Blonde

Saturday, January 12, 2013

Vegetarian Artichoke Adventures!

Did you know that Artichokes are one of the WORLD'S most healthiest foods? 

YES! But Why?
  • REALLY high in anti-oxidents 
  • Cancer fighting properties
  • Really good for the liver *Also known for as a hangover treatment for you drinkers out there!*
  • Reduces cholesterol
  • Really high in Fiber (which helps with digestion)

If you had asked me a year ago to eat this weird flowery looking cactus shaped vegetable... I would have looked at you like you were crazy. 

Now that my taste buds are developing, I tried them for the first time about a year ago and I AM IN LOVE WITH THEM!

If you've never tried an artichoke before, I highly recommend it!

MAKE SURE YOU READ THIS BEFORE YOU TRY AND EAT ONE! They're complicated to eat, but totally worth the extra effort.

How to eat an artichoke:

After you've steamed or boiled it for 25-35 minutes begin to eat.
  1. Pull off outer petals, one at a time
  2. Dip white fleshy end in melted butter or sauce. Tightly grip the other end of the petal. Place in mouth, dip side down, and pull through teeth to remove soft, pulpy, delicious portion of the petal. Discard remaining petal.
  3. With a knife or spoon, scrape out and discard the inedible fuzzy part (called the "choke") covering the artichoke heart. The remaining bottom of the artichoke is the heart. Cut into pieces and dip into sauce to eat.
  4. I dip mine in a home made garlic sauce that I make myself with FRESH garlic. This not only adds to the flavors of the artichoke, it adds another entire health benefit from the fresh garlic!
It's a brand new year, try something brand new!!
Xox Brittany,
The Fitspirational Blonde

Baked (7 minute) Garlic Parmesan Asparagus!!

Vegetables used to be the Villain in my Fairy tale food life.

I used to HATE vegetables. If the word vegetable crossed my lips, it was immediately followed by the words "NO WAY!"

As I've grown up, I've slowly developed the taste for vegetables and have found different ways to prepare them so that I LOVE them!

This is one of my favorite recipes that I absolutely adore. 

If you hate vegetables, THIS is the recipe that I recommend you taste. It will change your mind for sure

What you need:

  • Fresh Asparagus (I bought mine Organic- at Trader Joes for 2.99)
  • Parmesan Cheese (it tastes best if it is freshly grated) 
  • Fresh Chopped garlic cloves
  • Olive Oil
  • A garlic chopper (makes it easier to chop the garlic!)
  • One big freezer bag

What to do:

  1. Chop up the garlic into little minced pieces. 
  2. Shred your Parmesan cheese
  3. Wash and cut the bottom ends off of your asparagus (about 1 inch)
  4. Put the above into your freezer bag and add about 1 table spoon of Olive oil.
  5. Use your hands to spread around the garlic and Parmesan so that it gets on every asparagus piece (make sure to zip the bag closed really tightly or you'll have asparagus on your floor.)
  6. After it's evenly spread throughout the bag, put the whole bag in your fridge for about an hour. (This is not necessary, but helps the delicious flavors soak into the asparagus.) 
  7. Pre-heat your oven to 325
  8. Place the Garlic Parmesan Asparagus on some tin foil and spread it out evenly so none of them overlap.
  9. Take out in 7 minutes and EAT!

It is easy, takes 7 minutes, absolutely delicious and REALLY healthy for you! The best part is, you can make a LOT of it at once, and keep the left overs in the freezer bag and use it throughout the week. 
It's a fabulous go-to snack when you're hungry and not sure what to munch on. Definitely beats Ramen noodles :)

To make this vegan, just leave out the cheese!

Finished ^
Xox Brittany,

The Fitspirational Blonde

Friday, January 11, 2013

Healthy foods that KEEP YOU FULL:

When you're working out (I'm doing the 30 Day Shred & Zumba), it is important that you increase the foods that you eat to fulfill your new energy requirements! The more you workout, the more food you need to intake to support yourself.

I'm not talking about chips and hot pockets. Increasing UNhealthy foods will not only NOT help you, it will hurt you and cause you to have LESS energy!

Make sure you are packing in the amount of protein you intake. The foods that you eat should be foods that won't just go right through you, but will keep your tummy satisfied.

Healthy foods that KEEP YOU FULL:

Eggs- For just 70 calories, an egg delivers more than 6 grams of protein. That keeps you full, not to mention energized as well!

Avocados- *yay!!* They’re loaded with folate, potassium and vitamin E, and early research suggests that foods containing these nutrients may be more satiating than others.

Greek yogurt- Seventeen grams of protein in a 6-ounce container (that’s more than you get in four slices of turkey!) means major hunger control.

Oatmeal- All that filling fiber (4 grams per half-cup serving) helps breakfast stick to your ribs. It also provides a surprising 4 to 7 grams of protein! For extra staying power, toss in blueberries, which have 4 grams of fiber per cup.

Apples- Only 80 calories, but one can be as filling as a meal because of the 4 grams of fiber and high water content

Nuts- They have the perfect combination of fiber, protein and fat


Click to see my health vegetarian Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner ideas that I eat everyday!

Xox Brittany,
The Fitspirational Blonde

Thursday, January 10, 2013

8 Ways to get your health back on track!

Hey you! Yes YOU:
  • Have you slipped out of your healthy ways?
  • Forgotten how to eat healthy and let your body get used to eating sugary processed foods?
  • Even if you're NEW to the health lifestyle, ever wondered how and where to begin?


Here's some really great ways that I've PERSONALLY found to get back on track :)

  1. START NOW- I don't care what time it is, I don't care what day it is, make the decision to start now.
  2. PLAN YOUR MEALS OUT- Eating is step one of getting your healthy self on track. If you PLAN out your meals for the rest of the week, you won't be tempted to eat something unhealthy just because it's there. You'll have a plan. 
  3. FITNESS JOURNAL- Make your very own fitness journal! This is the single BEST place to plan out your weeks meals. See my "Fitness Journal" for my fabulous method on food planning!
  4. GO INTO THE KITCHEN WITH A MISSION- After you've made your week's food plan, go into the kitchen and ONLY prepare what you PLANNED to eat for that meal. Use "healthy tunnel vision" and pretend everything else in your fridge isn't there. 
  5. GET YOUR BUTT UP- Having trouble getting motivated to exercise? Take a class! All you have to do is put on your fitness clothes and get yourself there. Once you've completed a class, your motivation to continue exercising will increase immensely!
  6. DON'T LET ONE BAD DAY TURN INTO A BAD MONTH- Just because you've had one bad day, whether it be eating donuts and ice cream for breakfast and watching sex and the city all day, or just not having time to exercise that day. Don't let that un-motivate you. Realize you've come so far, and USE that bad day as motivation to do better tomorrow!
  7. WATER- Drink it. I'm not kidding. If you've been eating unhealthy lately, a GREAT way to naturally detox your body is to flush it out and drink a LOT of water.
  8. WRITE- Take time out of every day to write down how you're feeling? Are you feeling motivated and happy about your progress? Write about it. Are you feeling lazy and bloated? Write about it! Every day will be different, but it will really help you later on to go back and look at all the good days you've had, and all the bad days you've over come!

Everything I've written on my list is from personal experience. I'm a real girl with real challenges. I've had bad days, weeks, and even months too! This list has literally kept me going, and helped me come as far as I have to be the Real Fitspirational Brittany that I am today.

*Bookmark this list.* -Come back to it when you're feeling like you've gotten off track and need that extra push to keep going.

Need a little more motivation? Just ask :) I don't bite I promise!

Xox Brittany,

The Fitspirational Blonde

Stop buying unhealthy snacks! "Go-To" quick fruit-

Cutie tangerines are seriously my “go-to” quick fruit.

I used to be so used to opening the cabinet and grabbing a bag of Cheetos or a bowl of ice cream from the freezer, but since I stopped buying ice cream and started buying cutie tangerines, now I go for cuties!

They’re a great purse snack too… (as long as you don’t forget to take them out of your purse and eat them… which I learned the hard way.)

*RIP my stinky old orange smelling purse, I miss you.*

Purse snacks are great to take with you to snack on while you’re out. They will stop you from driving through a fast food restaurant.

SO: If you fill your cabinets and fridge/freezer with foods that are good for your body, you won’t even have the option to eat unhealthy foods!

Your body will grow used to eating healthy foods and soon, you will no longer crave the sugar and salt.

Xox Brittany,

The Fitspirational Blonde

Easy- Pesto Sauce!

Pesto has become one of my absolute FAVORITE sauces on earth.

After tasting Pesto FRESH from an Italian restaurant, I couldn't believe how gross the grocery store pesto tasted that I had been buying for all these years. Now that I compared it to fresh home-made pesto I am spoiled!

I found out pesto can be made with many different types of herbs, but after doing a bit of research I discovered that Parsley is healthier than the traditional basil.

So after my trip to Trader Joes (aka my second home) I picked up all the necessary ingredients, and didn't spend that much at all!

It was so incredibly easy to make, and I even had enough left over for a few days after :) Over all, it is DEFINITELY cheaper to make it yourself with fresh ingredients at home then buying it pre-packaged and processed at the store.

What you need:

  • 1 1/2 cup Parsley (or whichever herb you'd like to use)
  • 1.4 oz Pine Nuts (you can also substitute walnuts)
  • 1 Table spoon of Almonds
  • 14/cup of Fresh grated Parmesan cheese
  • 2 cloves of freshly chopped garlic
  • A pinch pf Black pepper
  • 1 Tablespoon of Olive oil

What to do:

  • Blend it.
Literally that is it, it doesn't get easier than that!

This is what it should look like after you're done blending it all together. 

If your consistency comes out too thick, add water! If it comes out too watery, add more nuts!

**Note** It was a bit hard to get my blender to blend all the ingredients together (this is my boyfriend Bryan squishing everything with a masher in there.) 

We have started to LOVE cooking together as a couple!

Be patient! Don't stick your hands in there. Add a bit of water if you're having trouble blending it, and mash it around with a spoon :)

^Finished Pesto Spaghetti!^

My best friend Allie came over and we all 3 had pesto pasta for dinner and it ended up turning out SO delicious!

I definitely recommend impressing your friends and family with some home made pesto of your own :)

Have a fabulous and healthy day <3

Xox Brittany,

The Fitspirational Blonde

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

5 minute (at home) Parfait!

Parfaits are a fabulous way to get some fruit and protein in after a workout!

They’re also good if you’re trying to impress guests, since they look so classy in these high stem glasses.

I used Greek Yogurt which is PACKED with protein and nutrition that your body needs after an intense workout at the gym.

These two parfaits took me less than 5 minutes to make!

What You Need:

  • Strawberries
  • Blueberries
  • Raspberries
  • Greek Yogurt (any kind, I used honey and pomegranate) 
  • Granola
  • A classy glass of your choice

These were my very own creative parfait creations that I made at home this morning, but you can layer them however you want!

Great for breakfast :)

This is also a FAST FOOD. No one said that fast food has to be unhealthy!

Xox Brittany

The Fitspirational Blonde

It's Zumba Time!

One of my goals this winter break was to get my blonde butt back into Zumba shape and I’m SO excited because tonight I’m going to take my first Zumba class in over 2 months!!

If you’ve been following me for a while you know that I signed up to get “Zumba certified” to be an actual Zumba Teacher this summer, but decided to post pone it to focus on getting good grades in college. I’m not giving up though, this summer I WILL BE ZUMBA TEACHER CERTIFIED!

MY Zumba break is officially over and as of tonight BRITTANY AND ZUMBA are officially BFFs again!

Why I love Zumba:

  1. You get a GREAT workout in just an hour
  2. It gets your endorphin going and you feel “high on life” after you finish
  3. It gets you to drink a lot of water since you sweat a mini-ocean during class
  4. The music! I prefer the Zumba that is more “hip hop” rather than “Latin samba” 
  5. YOU GET TO DANCE!!! I have a huge background in dance, so getting to shake my little booty is one of the most amazing feelings imaginable.

Off to go get Zumba-ready and fill up my pink water bottle :)

If you’ve never tried Zumba before, I highly recommend you do! It is a GREAT way to get in your weekly cardio *Ahem* which you should be getting in 3-5 times a week *Ahem*

Xox Brittany

The Fitspirational Blonde

Don't let this be your heart

This made me SO nauseous.

Sometimes it takes looking at something out of our comfort zone for it to become real.

That just got real for me.

Xox Brittany

The Fitspirational Blonde

How long does it take to get full?

It is surprising how many people don't know this!
From the time that you begin eating, to the time that your brain tells the rest of your body it's full is TWENTY MINUTES!

This is why when you're really hungry you over eat, and then feel like you're going to explode... with 348503458 pounds of food in your stomach.

EAT SLOW! The world is not going to end by the the time you finish your spaghetti, it will still be there if you eat it SLOWLY.

I bet if you don't scarf it down, you'll surprise yourself when you're full and there's still a lot left on your plate.

Anther great tip: drink a glass of water before and during your meal! Sometimes when you think your body is hungry it is actually dehydrated.
Xox Brittany
The Fitspirational Blonde

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Grocery Shopping Tip- Full vs Hungry

Healthy Grocery Shopping Tip-


If you shop when you're hungry, your body will want to eat EVERYTHING in sight and you will end up buying twice the foods that you would have bought if you were full.

Save money, save time, save space in your shopping cart :)

Shop Full.

Xox Brittany,

The Fitspirational Blonde.

Healthy Breakfast Ideas

Good morning everyone!
As you know I always push having a big healthy breakfast. This handout has some wonderful examples and ideas on what you can eat!
If you usually have a hard time trying to decide what to eat in the mornings, make your own list and PUT IT ON THE FRIDGE! 
I'm serious about this, it will keep you from grabbing the high sugar Trix cereal just because it's easy and you forgot you have fresh eggs and veggies to make an omelette in the fridge.
Have a fabulous rest of the day <3

Xox Brittany
The Fitspirational Blonde

Monday, January 7, 2013

15 tricks to make a habit stick!

Did you know it takes 21 days to form a habit? Creating a new habit in your life is REALLY hard, but not impossible! Forming new healthy habits (even if they are small) can accumulate and turn into BIG life changes!

I know you can do this, I believe in you!

1. Commit to Thirty Days – Three to four weeks is all the time you need to make a habit automatic. If you can make it through the initial conditioning phase, it becomes much easier to sustain. A month is a good block of time to commit to a change since it easily fits in your calendar.

2. Make it Daily – Consistency is critical if you want to make a habit stick. If you want to start exercising, go to the gym every day for your first thirty days. Going a couple times a week will make it harder to form the habit. Activities you do once every few days are trickier to lock in as habits.

3. Start Simple – Don’t try to completely change your life in one day. It is easy to get over-motivated and take on too much. If you wanted to study two hours a day, first make the habit to go for thirty minutes and build on that.

4. Remind Yourself – Around two weeks into your commitment it can be easy to forget. Place reminders to execute your habit each day or you might miss a few days. If you miss time it defeats the purpose of setting a habit to begin with.

5. Stay Consistent – The more consistent your habit the easier it will be to stick. If you want to start exercising, try going at the same time, to the same place for your thirty days. When cues like time of day, place and circumstances are the same in each case it is easier to stick.

6. Get a Buddy – Find someone who will go along with you and keep you motivated if you feel like quitting.

7. Form a Trigger – A trigger is a ritual you use right before executing your habit. If you wanted to wake up earlier, this could mean waking up in exactly the same way each morning. If you wanted to quit smoking you could practice snapping your fingers each time you felt the urge to pick up a cigarette.

8. Replace Lost Needs -
If you are giving up something in your habit, make sure you are adequately replacing any needs you’ve lost. If watching television gave you a way to relax, you could take up meditation or reading as a way to replace that same need.

9. Be Imperfect – Don’t expect all your attempts to change habits to be successful immediately. It took me four independent tries before I started exercising regularly. Now I love it. Try your best, but expect a few bumps along the way.

10. Use “But” – A prominent habit changing therapist once told me this great technique for changing bad thought patterns. When you start to think negative thoughts, use the word “but” to interrupt it. “I’m no good at this, but, if I work at it I might get better later.”

11. Remove Temptation - Restructure your environment so it won’t tempt you in the first thirty days. Remove junk food from your house, cancel your cable subscription, throw out the cigarettes so you won’t need to struggle with willpower later.

12. Associate With Role Models - Spend more time with people who model the habits you want to mirror. A recent study found that having an obese friend indicated you were more likely to become fat. You become what you spend time around.

13. Run it as an Experiment - Withhold judgment until after a month has past and use it as an experiment in behavior. Experiments can’t fail, they just have different results so it will give you a different perspective on changing your habit.

14. Swish - A technique from NLP. Visualize yourself performing the bad habit. Next visualize yourself pushing aside the bad habit and performing an alternative. Finally, end that sequence with an image of yourself in a highly positive state. See yourself picking up the cigarette, see yourself putting it down and snapping your fingers, finally visualize yourself running and breathing free. Do it a few times until you automatically go through the pattern before executing the old habit.

15. Write it Down – A piece of paper with a resolution on it isn’t that important. Writing that resolution is. Writing makes your ideas more clear and focuses you on your end result.

Make a list. That makes it real. Put it somewhere you’ll see it. That makes you remember Tell someone about it. That makes you motivated.

You got this :)

Xox Brittany
The Fitspirational Blonde

Sunday, January 6, 2013

Starbucks Low-Cal Snack Pack!

Sitting by the window at Starbucks wrapped in my new white scarf from H&M watching the rain drizzle while spending some quality time with my Love- My Health Blog.

I hadn't eaten in a few hours and started to get hungry and was REALLY pleasantly surprised to find that Starbucks had a great and HEALTHY snack option! Although ridiculously over priced (as everything is there) I decided to fork out the $4.95 for this nutritional snack.

These are FABULOUS ideas for snacks to take with you when you go to work, college or to run errands and if you purchase them yourself separately you can save a LOT of money!

The Starbucks snack pack came with:
  • Brie Cheese
  • Gouda Cheese
  • Two-Year Aged Cheddar Cheese (which I need to Google because I don't understand why old cheese should be sparking my interest.)
  • 9 Grain Crackers (WAY better for you that Ritz)
  • Apple Slices
  • Dried Cranberries
  • and ROASTED Almonds!

Usually Starbucks is not the place I'd go to get a healthy snack, but I take my hat off to you this time! 

I'm a blonde with a happy tummy today :)

Xox Brittany,
The Fitspirational Blonde

10 Grocery Shopping Tips!

Good morning Lovelies!

It's a bright and beautiful Sunday morning and I like to get my grocery shopping for the week done on Sundays after Church! That way, when Monday comes my fridge is nice and stalked up and I'm ready for my healthy week :)

I decided to share my wonderful "grocery shopping tip list" with you, because it's easy to walk in the grocery store and feel like you're lost and have just entered a grocery Wonderland labyrinth.

Brittany's Grocery Shopping Tips:

  1. Always go with a list!
  2. Shop the perimeter! This typically contains the produce, dairy, meat, deli, and frozen section.
  3. Inside the “perimeter” you are more likely to stray: the candy aisle, the juice/drinks aisle, and the snacks aisle are all bad places to buy the majority of your groceries
  4. Look for what is on sale & stock up if it’s non-perishable. This will SAVE YOU MONEY!
  5. When choosing packaged produce, look at the “Use by” date and choose the longest. Fresher items tend to get put in the back of shelves so customers buy the oldest items first. For example, when I'm buying milk, I always take the milk in the back because it has the newest expiration date.
  6. Check all fruits & veggies for bruises, scratches, & mold. Yuck!
  7. If you buy in bulk or have a big family, buy frozen petite peas, berries (for smoothies or baking), and bell peppers. They’re always cheaper & there isn’t much difference. I personally like to have fresh fruit in the house at all times, but when I'm a bit busy and haven't had time to the grocery store, I always have those frozen fruits and veggies to fall back on :)
  8. Try to not over-buy, know how long each fruit/veggie will last & don’t waste it! Every time one of my avocado's goes bad, I feel like a pet died and I didn't have time to say goodbye (As you can tell, I'm very passionate about my avocados.)
  9. Because produce goes off so quickly I try my best to go grocery shopping 1-2 times a week. This is usually what it takes to maintain a healthy lifestyle!
  10. Shop at stores that are known for healthy living! My favorite's are Trader Joe's, Whole Foods, Fresh and Easy, and as I said before your local Farmers Market.

Now it's up to you, these will REALLY help you if you actually APPLY them next time you're at the store!

Xox Brittany,

The Fitspirational Blonde

Saturday, January 5, 2013

Cupcake Attack!

I don’t want you to have a heart attack every time you pass a Sprinkles Cupcake… But I also don’t want you to get a heart attack from eating at Sprinkles Cupcakes like 5X’s a week!

We all have our guilty pleasures (Chocolate, Cupcakes and Starbucks are mine) and just because we’re living healthy lifestyles DOESN'T mean that we have to cut them all out!

Just eat in moderation.

Split a cupcake with a friend, grab some tea at Starbucks (I am an Earl Grey Tea lover) instead of a sugar packed Frap.

Balance out the non-healthy foods with healthy foods. For every cupcake you eat, try eating 2 pieces of fruit :)

Xox Brittany,

The Fitspirational Blonde

Cut your beverage calories-- drinks on the go!

Great way to avoid drinking sodas while you’re out running errands  at college or working- Bring healthy drinks with you!
Home made lemonade is a fabulously refreshing alternative to soda. If you make it yourself, then you know exactly what’s in it and can also avoid a LOT of unnecessary ingredients that would go into store bought drinks!

Health benefits of Lemons: A large lemon contains about 45 mg of Vitamin C, about 75% of the daily requirement! We need Vitamin C to fend off colds and heal cuts and wounds. They are a natural aid for digestion and weight loss, and are a natural internal body cleanser. They have powerful antioxidant and anti-cancer healing properties.

This is how I make my lemonade :)

1 cup fresh-squeezed lemon juice (about 6 lemons)
1 cup hot water
7 cups cold water
1 cup raw honey

Stir honey into the hot water over low heat until fully blended.

Let cool and add lemon juice and cold water into a 2-quart pitcher. Stir or shake vigorously.

Slice two of the remaining lemon rind halves into fourths for a total of eight pieces, then add the rinds to the pitcher. Add ice to the top of the pitcher and chill.

Try it out!

And why not put them in cute little to-go packages like this to make them THAT much more fun to drink! I bet you ANYTHING this will be 10X’s funner to drink than a coke, and everyone around you will want a taste :)

Xox Brittany

The Fitspirational Blonde

Keep a Fitness Journal!

Keeping a Fitness journal is a FABULOUS way to keep track of your progress, and make sure you are getting closer to those fabulous goals you've made for yourself.

I think we all have at least 1-2 two of those empty notebooks that we don’t know what to do with (who are we kidding I have like 8 of them, I buy them because they’re SO cute and then i get home, put them on the shelf and never use them!)

This is the beginning of a brand new year. Why not take notes, and set goals NOW, so at the end of 2013 you'll remember why it was such a great year. On December 31st, 2013 how awesome would it be to look back and reflect on exactly HOW you EARNED your way to the new healthy you for 2014 :)

Xox Brittany

The Fitspirational Blonde

This describes EVERY 4th of July Party I've ever been to!

But in my wonderful 23 years of life, I've discovered that there are plenty of fabulous things vegetarians can make on a grill too! (Asparagus, grilled cheese sandwiches with avocado or tomatoes, and PLENTY of other delicious grilled veggies!!)

Food items on the barbeque grill

Don’t be ashamed to be the herbivore out of a gang of Meaties, show them your ways I bet they’ll want some hummus too :)

Xox Brittany

The Fitspirational Blonde

Shelf Life of Fruits and Vegetables

You’re now stocked on veggies and fruits but…

In addition to storing your fruits and veggies properly, it’s good to know approximately how long the fresh stuff will last. Plan your trip to the grocery or farmer’s market accordingly so that your foods are at the peak of freshness when you plan to prepare them, and you’re not throwing away food that’s gone bad before you get a chance to use it!

1-2 days:
  • Artichokes
  • Asparagus
  • Bananas
  • Basil
  • Broccoli
  • Cherries
  • Corn
  • Dill
  • Green beans
  • Mushrooms
  • Strawberries

2-4 days:

  • Arugula
  • Avocados 
  • Cucumbers
  • Eggplant
  • Grapes
  • Lettuce
  • Limes
  • Pineapple
  • Zucchini

4-6 days:
  • Apricots
  • Blueberries
  • Brussels sprouts
  • Cauliflower
  • Grapefruit
  • Leeks
  • Lemons
  • Oranges
  • Oregano
  • Parsley
  • Peaches
  • Pears
  • Peppers
  • Plums
  • Spinach
  • Tomatoes
  • Watermelon


  • Apples
  • Beets
  • Cabbage
  • Carrots
  • Celery
  • Garlic
  • Hard Squash
  • Onions
  • Potatoes


Xox Brittany
The Fitspirational Blonde