Saturday, January 5, 2013

Keep a Fitness Journal!

Keeping a Fitness journal is a FABULOUS way to keep track of your progress, and make sure you are getting closer to those fabulous goals you've made for yourself.

I think we all have at least 1-2 two of those empty notebooks that we don’t know what to do with (who are we kidding I have like 8 of them, I buy them because they’re SO cute and then i get home, put them on the shelf and never use them!)

This is the beginning of a brand new year. Why not take notes, and set goals NOW, so at the end of 2013 you'll remember why it was such a great year. On December 31st, 2013 how awesome would it be to look back and reflect on exactly HOW you EARNED your way to the new healthy you for 2014 :)

Xox Brittany

The Fitspirational Blonde

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