Saturday, January 5, 2013

Cupcake Attack!

I don’t want you to have a heart attack every time you pass a Sprinkles Cupcake… But I also don’t want you to get a heart attack from eating at Sprinkles Cupcakes like 5X’s a week!

We all have our guilty pleasures (Chocolate, Cupcakes and Starbucks are mine) and just because we’re living healthy lifestyles DOESN'T mean that we have to cut them all out!

Just eat in moderation.

Split a cupcake with a friend, grab some tea at Starbucks (I am an Earl Grey Tea lover) instead of a sugar packed Frap.

Balance out the non-healthy foods with healthy foods. For every cupcake you eat, try eating 2 pieces of fruit :)

Xox Brittany,

The Fitspirational Blonde

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