Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Lunch- Making a healthy change

Starting off the week on a healthy food with a fabulous Vegetarian Fitspirational Lunch!!
Think you can’t eat a grilled cheese sandwich and fries without eating unhealthy fried foods? WRONG!
This meal contains protein, fiber, calcium, iron and WONDERFUL nutritious ingredients! I made this AT HOME in less than 10 mins. he healthiest “fast food” you can imagine.
What you see:
  1. Toasted Cheddar and Avocado grilled cheese sandwich on oatnut bread, with a bit of butternut squash aioli sauce 
  2. Side Ceazar salad
  3. Sweet Potato fries (BAKED not fried) *Note- Did you know Sweet potatoes are ranked one of the highest nutritional vegetable on the planet? This is because of their high protein and vitamin content!
  4. Glass of water
Eating healthy does NOT have to be boring! Get creative, have FUN in the kitchen finding new wonderful ways to incorporate health into your meals! 
I made this meal healthy by:
  • Using Oatnut bread instead of starchy white bread
  • Having baked sweet potato fries instead of normal greasy fried french fries
  • Adding a salad
  • Having water instead of soda
APPLY what you just read to YOUR life. Today when you make your next meal, stop and think what you can do to make it healthier!
Xox Brittany,
The Fitspirational Blonde

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