Saturday, January 12, 2013

Vegetarian Artichoke Adventures!

Did you know that Artichokes are one of the WORLD'S most healthiest foods? 

YES! But Why?
  • REALLY high in anti-oxidents 
  • Cancer fighting properties
  • Really good for the liver *Also known for as a hangover treatment for you drinkers out there!*
  • Reduces cholesterol
  • Really high in Fiber (which helps with digestion)

If you had asked me a year ago to eat this weird flowery looking cactus shaped vegetable... I would have looked at you like you were crazy. 

Now that my taste buds are developing, I tried them for the first time about a year ago and I AM IN LOVE WITH THEM!

If you've never tried an artichoke before, I highly recommend it!

MAKE SURE YOU READ THIS BEFORE YOU TRY AND EAT ONE! They're complicated to eat, but totally worth the extra effort.

How to eat an artichoke:

After you've steamed or boiled it for 25-35 minutes begin to eat.
  1. Pull off outer petals, one at a time
  2. Dip white fleshy end in melted butter or sauce. Tightly grip the other end of the petal. Place in mouth, dip side down, and pull through teeth to remove soft, pulpy, delicious portion of the petal. Discard remaining petal.
  3. With a knife or spoon, scrape out and discard the inedible fuzzy part (called the "choke") covering the artichoke heart. The remaining bottom of the artichoke is the heart. Cut into pieces and dip into sauce to eat.
  4. I dip mine in a home made garlic sauce that I make myself with FRESH garlic. This not only adds to the flavors of the artichoke, it adds another entire health benefit from the fresh garlic!
It's a brand new year, try something brand new!!
Xox Brittany,
The Fitspirational Blonde

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